Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Course Reflection:
Course Reflection: This course is going to help me to become a better teacher and help me relate to my student in a more interesting way. I have learned how to use blogs, presentations, concept map, and other helpful tools. I feel strong about pretty much all of the things I have learned in the course. I may need to work harder on understanding the blogs a bit better though. I have learned that I can use youtube and google to help figure things out with technology on my own. I will do this alot I bet whenever I begin my teahcing career. I will use technology in the classroom to keep the interest of my students. I will have a blog that they can go look at and see what is due and other things about the course. Presentations will help me reley the information in a way that will help the students learn better. I think that this course has prepared me to be a better teacher than before. Technology is a useful tool and I tend to use it to my advantage throughout my teaching career.

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